Recent Exits

Entrepreneurs that worked with our Team

Ready to explore selling your company?

Present Your Startup to one of our M&A Expert Mentors

  • Create liquidity for yourself and your shareholders

  • Understand what is your company really worth - Valuation Analysis

  • Understanding the contrasting Buyer and Seller Motivations

  • Skill Specific Workshops to defend your valuation, due diligence and negotiations

  • Learn from Top M&A Professionals and Professors from top business schools

  • Scale and Sell your company alongside founders from around the World

  • Build a Strong Foundation of the M&A Process and Timetable

  • Build a best-in-class Data Room for the M&A Process

  • Accelerate the M&A success by focusing on your presentation

  • Coordinate Bids and Financing Arrangements

We Teach At Some Of The Top Global Schools

Hyper Accelerator is a proven, highest-value business transformation program – combining world-class education and hands-on mentoring to help you maximize the outcome of your exit. The Hyper Accelerator Program provides high-quality, actionable advice and insights that will help you present a Purposeful Story to your potential acquirers, and generate value for all stakeholders.

As Featured In

15 Years of Research

Now in its 6th year, Hyper Accelerator (HXA) has become the world's leading startup acceleration program. We run a 100-day global program with multi-city events and online activities. Our vision is to build a tight-knit community of founders who chase shared goals and lean on each other for support. Our mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed – not only by providing them with powerful tools, but also by supporting them to become better leaders and achieve explosive growth they aspire for.